March 19, 2015

Pick The Health... run

Regular exercise, running in particular— has good health benefits. I like running, it helps me look and feel great. It was not so easy at the beggining for me. How I started? It was 2010 ...I combined run/ walk for 30 minutes four times a week. I was doing slow walk for a 5 minutes and then jog for 5 minutes. After two weeks I tried to do more running than walking. And now after five years I easly, run 5 till 12 kilometers, three times a week. My effort... yeap it was not easy at the beggining but now I am just happy with that .. Running is a BIG PLEASURE. I am less stressed, I am feeling good and atractive, I am much more self- confident.For me running is a mental exercise, more than physical. I love sense of freedom that running gives me.

What are the healthy benefits of running?

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