March 24, 2015

It is Spring. Take care about your skin

Spring, sun, nature, green gardens. It's enough to finally be in a good mood. We start to wear less and less clothes... and showing our skin. 

The skin is the best body reflect which shows our health both mental and physical. After long winter we are disappointed that the skin appearance is not perfect. Because we forgot about right diet, the right dose  sleep and rest. Spring is a good moment to be active and get the positive endorphins. 
 Happy mind is highly beneficial for our skin . To improve the skin appearance we have to nutrish body from the inside. Diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and  grains is the best think which we can give for our skin. Cosmetics are only the supplement for our vital force. We should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits to recover the natural beauty. Remember about suitable amount of water and forget about sweets- it is easier to replace them with oranges, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, bananas, apples. 

Try to reduce the cosmetics which you were using during the winter time. It is good to do a little bit of detoxification.

Start  your days with positive affirmation, yoga session, jogging. Spring is the time when the sport goals become easier. The days are longer, and weather is better - so there is not excuses for laziness. If most of the time you are sitting behind the desk, trapped between four walls... trust  me after work  - movies, couch time, chips, or a glass of wine will not  help you feel better. You can provide endorphins to your body only through physical activity.
After a busy day prepare yourself silencing and regenerating bath. Enjoy your body- enjoy your skin.

Just be happy :)  

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